Brain Connectivity and BrainKey

Exciting news to share - BrainKey is releasing functional brain connectivity analysis into our platform!

As far as we know, no one currently offers this at an individual patient level. But, we feel it’s important to do so as individual brain functional connectivity is valuable in understanding how an individual brain is aging.

BrainKey RestingState fMRI.png

This is another big jump forward in our roadmap to fuse traditionally siloed biomedical information into one cohesive ecosystem. Fusion is key because our goal is to uncover the brain's biology - not indirect markers such as risk factors and symptoms of disease. Fusion will empower providers to go beyond traditional measures of brain health by analyzing, characterizing, and quantifying types of dementia, so they can determine a patient's risk and develop a plan to improve brain health.

If you’re interested in being one of the first to use this new feature, please contact me or our team directly at

Big shout out to @Kevin Aquino, Ph.D. - BrainKey’s Scientific Director and fMRI guru. Kevin’s has a wealth of great fMRI publications you can find via Google Scholar but I would recommend checking out this recent one in NeuroImage, “On the intersection between data quality and dynamical modeling of large-scale fMRI signals”

Google Scholar:
