The Future Of Neurology

In this interview, Dr. Dhira Khosla talks about the future of neurology and her vision for BrainKey.


Dhira, you just joined BrainKey as a physician advisor.

What do you find promising about BrainKey?

BrainKey gives people a unique way of visualizing their brain health and provides an opportunity to turn those insights into actions.

What inspires you as a neurologist?

My journey to becoming a physician actually began when I was in my first year of undergrad. My older brother, who was previously healthy, suddenly developed seizures. In fact, he had repeated seizures, during which he did not regain full consciousness (status epilepticus). Thankfully, his condition was diagnosed and treated successfully by the physicians at Stanford Hospital. I quickly realized that instead of pursuing a degree in science education, I wanted to help patients and their families the way we were helped by the doctors and nurses at Stanford, so I switched tracks to pre-med. My guiding principle as a practicing physician was always to provide high quality, personalized care for my patients. Spending time explaining their diagnosis and management options was a key goal. I always wanted my patients and families to feel like they were knowledgeable about their health so they could be a part of the decision-making process.

What do you see for the future of neurology?

We are fortunate to live in an era when advancements in technology are occurring rapidly. We can make a positive impact in the lives of our patients by using AI, medical devices, digital health, telehealth, etc. By merging our clinical knowledge with innovations in the technology space, we can provide solutions to providers and patients that are meaningful.

How does BrainKey fit into the future of neurology?

BrainKey allows patients to understand how different parts of the brain work and gives them an opportunity to visualize their own brain. When people are knowledgeable about the status of their brain, just like all other aspects of their health, they can have more control of their overall well-being. BrainKey not only helps educate patients, but it can potentially guide clinicians in their decision-making process. BrainKey can transform the way brain health is approached, both from the standpoint of the patient and the physician.

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Dr. Dhira Khosla is a board-certified neurologist with years of experience caring for her patients. For the past few years, she has been involved with healthcare start-ups in various capacities including clinical development and business strategy. She approaches medtech innovations through a patient- and provider-focused lens in order to bring solutions that are meaningful to the clinical decision-making process as well as overall patient quality of life.

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